Our Story
Arlene & Jenny are a mother-daughter team. Our family has always been interested in herbal medicines and sustainable living. In 2020, those ideas took a firmer hold in our lives.
In June of 2020, Jenny was diagnosed with stage 3 ovarian cancer. She was told she was incurable and likely would not live past 5 years. Being a mom to two young girls, she refused to accept that prognosis and began to search for a way to extend her time to raise her girls. She found a fantastic cancer center which put her on a strict diet, exercise, and herbal supplement plan along with conventional treatment. Thank God, she got into remission!
After cancer treatment, she began to support other women who were newly diagnosed but she quickly found that many of the women she spoke with had no way to obtain many of the items to help themselves heal. Lick Skillet Apothecary began to take shape.
Jenny is a certified permaculture designer, student member of the American Herbalists Guild, and a clinical herbalism student.
Why Lick Skillet Apothecary?
Although we have a lot of love for and many ties to Madison, we're from North Vernon. A fun piece of history is that Vernon residents called North Vernon "Lick Skillet" as an insult to those in the newly formed town back in the 1800s. They claimed the town was "licking the skillet drippings of the success of Vernon." We thought it was such a funny insult that we did some research and found it was actually a common insult to small towns.
We think it's a perfect fit!